Helene.Prayer Consists of Only One Single Word.Prayer consists of only one single word. That is the meaning of AMEN: it means yes. If you have said yes with your total heart, you have...
Helene.Just this.Just this. Be with, just this moment. Breathe into, just this. Just this, is enough. You are enough. . . Mindfulness, wellness and...
Helene.MindfulnessWhat would it feel like to create space around what is arising and just be with it. #mindfulness #spiritualadvisor #healthcoach...
Helene.Mindfulness, Wellness, Somatic Facilitation & Loving Presence"The basic task of helping professionals in general, and psychotherapists in particular, is to become full human beings, and to inspire...
Helene.Forget New year's ResolutionStop Wasting your time. Forget New year's Resolution >Take Action< New clients get 3 Mindfulness, Wellness & Somatic sessions for the...
Helene.Happy New Year~Wishing everyone a stunning new year, may 2022 be a year of joyous compassion, gratitude and wisdom. ~Blessings~ Helene. Mindfulness,...
Helene.Mindfulness, Wellness, Somatic AppointmentsWhat is a mindfulness, wellness and somatic appointment and facilitation with Helene? My work is fully integrative, it is a holistic...
Helene.Pine NeedlesFill your world, with the simple beauty of nature. Have you ever stopped and stared at the fine and sumptuous intricacies of pine...
Helene.Quantum Resilience What would it Feel like if every cells in my body were Incredibly Resilient~ Somatic Mindfulness Meditation . " #Whatif #doubt was my...
Helene.What would it feel likeWhat would it Feel like to let my Magnificence Shine Through in Every Particles of my Being. Somatic Mindfulness Meditation . " #Whatif...