Prayer Consists of Only One Single Word.
Prayer consists of only one single word. That is the meaning of AMEN: it means yes. If you have said yes with your total heart, you have...
Prayer Consists of Only One Single Word.
Just this.
Mindfulness, Wellness, Somatic Facilitation & Loving Presence
Forget New year's Resolution
Happy New Year~
Mindfulness, Wellness, Somatic Appointments
Pine Needles
Quantum Resilience
What would it feel like
40 Days of Gratitude D21
40 Days of Gratitude D20
40 Days of Gratitude D19
40 Days of Gratitude D17
40 Days of Gratitude D15
40 Days of Gratitude D14
40 Days of Gratitude D13
40 Days of Gratitude D12
40 Days Of Gratitude D11
40 Days of Gratitude D10